Zoom Circle



New Course Dates to be notified

I have been holding “Circle” for approximately 30 years. Prior to 2019, these were in person. During these sessions approximately 25 of us would gather in a large room and sit in a circle. I would give a talk on the topic for that session and then lead everyone through various breathing and energetic techniques. Usually I would ask the participants to pair up and practice and develop their enhanced skills of awareness and intuition and then share their findings. These sessions were very popular and it was very rewarding to see how much people gained on a personal level as a result of our sessions.

Due to me being away in the remote far North for several years, from about 2006 I began to conduct ‘distant’ healing 1 to 1 sessions. From 2019 I began running ‘distant’ circle groups as well. These sessions have also been popular. They help us learn that we are all connected energetically and can affect each other and matter whether we are in the same room or not. I currently hold a planetary circle every Tuesday evening for 15 minutes. The more often we connect the stronger our field grows.

There is no doubt in person sessions have a great sense of community and connection due to all being in the same room. However, with the changing times and online sessions becoming easier to access, I feel there are many benefits still to be gained from doing this online - there is no need to travel, we can connect to others regardless of where we live, and we can refresh our perspective on life by having experiences that we wouldn’t usually have in day to day life.

I sat with Mary in her circle for around four years. It was a life changing experience. It has forever changed the way I viewed our mother earth and all its beings, as well as the hidden worlds, bringing understanding of how connected we are. In this circle environment I was able to explore these safely and experience experientially through the meditative energy and healing work we created with Mary’s teaching and loving guidance. These weekly circles were a nurturing time and also a catalyst for enormous personal growth. With Mary’s facilitation, we still sit weekly in an energetic circle at a nominated time, even though we are in different parts of the country. We are able to connect and experience that wonderful heart felt loving energy as we bathe in it ourselves and send it out to the earth and our natural environments for the healing and highest good of all.
Mary, forever grateful.
— Deborah Frew NSW

In this spirit, I invite you to join me in this 3 session course to introduce or reconnect you with cultivating your intuition, your awareness of energy and ability to use intention, heart and breath to transform. We will work together to connect with the collective consciousness in a way that can bring about powerful change for our planet. From wherever we are, as we practise together, our group energy will create a strong field of expansive energy that can reach out to all in harmonious ways.



3 x (1.5 hours)

Cost $105

During each session we will practice various breath and energetic techniques to bring awareness to our chosen focus. By doing this we can:

  • build resilience for times of rapid change

  • increase understanding of ourselves.

  • increase sensitivity to energy

  • listen to our intuition

  • cultivate tools for healing

  • transform our energy so that we can experience clarity, vitality and better health and clear decision making.

  • improve communication with ourselves and others

  • become comfortable with the awareness of being more than our physical body .

  • work together in ways that can support our planet and humanity

Through the changes we make, we can experience more ease, joy, and in turn affect the lives of those around us and contribute to the collective.

The cost for this course is $105.00 for the 3 sessions.

To join these 3 sessions (or make an enquiry) please fill out the form below and I will reply confirming your place or answering any questions you may have.

Mary’s healing room in Sydney was like a sanctuary - you only had to walk into it to feel calm and rejuvenated. When we gathered there for Circle, Mary guided us in meditation, and in practising our energetic healing skills on each other and the wider world. Mary taught us about energy centres and chakras, various healing techniques, and intuitive practices like flower readings to increase our sensitivity and awareness of energy.

Mary was sought after as a healer, both in person and through distant healing, nurturing many who required healing – physically, emotionally, or at end-of-life.

Tuesday nights with Mary sadly ended when Mary moved to Byron Bay, so I was delighted and grateful when Mary started a ‘distant’ Tuesday night meditation with people in different parts of the country, in mid 2020. We sit together on Tuesday nights in our far-spaced homes and tune into Mary and the energy of the group, sending healing where needed and receiving nurturing energy ourselves.

If Mary creates the same space and group energy in Byron Bay, I would recommend it to anyone interested in meditation, healing and self care.
— Rob Kirley NSW